Although I did say that in the beginning everyone can spam me for trade (that's cuz it is what happened in Windsong server and everything went quite well there! ), I didn't expect a MASSIVE SPAM until I can't even click on the accept button. Got kinda mad when Draco actually mass spammed again when I said to stop and I will trade everyone there and hell yeah, Draco did a good job in getting my attention too. LoL but i am still not happy for the spams *sulky face*
It got quite messed up in the middle until even Messiah are shouting in the world chat to tell everyone to stop spamming him. I laughed out hard. Executor are being kinda aggressive in a way to make everyone listen to him. Oh well, it's not easy when you are being mobbed and nobody are listening until some forceful ones open their mouth ^^ Thanks to them!
As usual, some actually didn't read in the website or forum about this event and I was kinda dissapointed in that attitude! I've to keep repeating myself for a few times before I eventually gave up and just point them over to the website. Why so lazy? =p
But hey, fun part of my side, fuZZy created a hell of a chaos when everyone was mobbing me and everyone just split off... for a few seconds only though. Raspberyl gave me the most seizure-riffic part as I've said and admit before... I PHAIL IN CALCULATIONS!!
Contributed by Control from White Dragon Server.